Sunday, October 18, 2009


well, hell...I guess I'll type out the mundane details of this day. Just for fun I guess.

Woke up. Got up out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. ...wait. No. That is not what I did. I did wake up at dawn..or more to the point Willie, our orange tabby knocked on the screen door around 6 AM and wanted in. For all the trouble I was rewarded with a great view above the clouds. A low bank of fog drifted below us with snaky fingers gripping the valleys and low hillsides. Socal looked like the Smokey Mountains for a brief moment.

Later I really got up and took my bath. Melissa had just left for the stables and I went to work on some music. "wrote" a song. "Go Blind" Which means I made parts for another one of my ridiculous musical efforts. This is all me trying to sing and learning the guitar. I mean, my stuff is pretty crummy can sometimes be better than a lot of stuff I hear. And I just started so I am getting better. Anyway, got some of that fun time in.

Joey called and needed a hand with some car trouble. Nothing much other than a trip to the Pep Boys. Did that. Came home. Started to work on Mermaid. CL showed up and we kept working. I had done some music for the underwater scene and the big scene lead up to it. I think what I was doing was pretty sweet. Needs some work but at least I could see the emotional arch being played out with the score I created. And the underwater stuff I am sure I nailed since I spent so much time crafting the look of it that I feel really keyed in to the footage. That part is real and organic. And it fits. CL was in agreement with that.

however, CL and I don't always have the same artistic vision. We agreed that the underwater music was pretty nice. But he wasn't feeling the music in the lead up sequence. And it is the crucial scene. But I think I hit it just right, for me anyway. So I was satisfied with it, at least as a temp score. But he prefers to use some pre-recorded stuff that came from a feature film. I disagree with this approach in principle. I always prefer to have home grown elements if I can. We can't use the temp stuff from a feature film in the long run anyway so why keep it in there? And while my score might not be exactly right's pretty damned close. So I would prefer to use it and then garner comments on how to improve it. etc.

Well, thats the ups and downs of working with a partner. We can't always be on exactly the same page. This is hard for me since I have spent almost my whole professional life as a lone wolf never having to accommodate anyone else's opinion. And in this case I know that my score it pretty good and with some tweaking will work better. And I know if CL had put in as much effort as I did and came that close I would not even have thought about using someone else's piece of music. But that's me. And that's how I do things and that's what is hard about working with other people.

Anyway...effing dodgers got reamed tonight. Holy shit. 47 thousand to one. I bet Hank is all happy. ( Hank being my buddy from Philly )

What else? nothing

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