Thursday, October 22, 2009

new cat

hey, our new cat is pretty sweet. We weren't looking for a new cat but the kids next door showed up one morning with this kitten. They found her on their front porch. "we can't keep her, our dad won't let us. If you don't want her I guess we'll have to take her to the pound" A lot of emphasis on the "I guess we'll have to take her to the pound" part... and all said in that sort of "oh well" tone, as in... "Oh well, if you don't want her I guess we can take her off to the gas chamber. Have a nice day Mr. Barminski.". These kids know a sucker when they see one. Pets find you they say. I can only think of one pet I have ever had that I actually was looking for.

So we kept this one. She is a Snowshoe Siamese or a Ragdoll a friend tells me. Named her Beezie. Melissa says she is named for the famous horse rider Beezie Madden. I say it is short for Bumble Bee. She looks like a pure bred cat. I have no idea how she ended up on our street. I kept and eye for lost cat posters but never saw one and to be honest I didn't post any "found cat" posters. I guess I should have, but...

Anyway, she is a lot of fun. We are keeping her inside for a while. This causes a bit of a problem since our other 2 cats are used to coming in and out at will through our half open sliding door. So I think I need to get a doorman's outfit since I am up and down about 5-6 times a night either letting one in or out. And Willie just basically knocks on the door. Honest to god. I wake up and he is "rap, rap, rap " with his paw. Always in a series of three taps too. In and out all night long. And he seems to have a knack for wanting in or out just as I am getting that heavy limbed, slipping into dreamland feeling.

Anyway, she is very cute. We are not going to get her tested for FLV. I don't want to know. It was real heartbreaking with Squeaky and Petunia to actually know from the time we adopted them that they would realistically only have about 5 years to live at most. So I don't want to know that anymore if I don't have to.

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