Wednesday, October 28, 2009

grocery store

I heard this lady in the grocery store today with her 5 year old kid..

kid " oooo, lets get those" pointing to some chocolate chip cookies
Mom " oh no honey, those have all kinds of chocolate in them"

Yes, I guess they do. I suppose thats why he wanted them.

The other day at grocery store I hear just this much of a conversation as a man and a lady walk past me going the opposite direction...
guy " I swear, I'll punch him in the face "
lady " do they have pretzels here? "

Once at a grocery store I was standing at one end of the aisle with my cart. Way down at the far end a mom with a 5 or 6 year kid are standing. The kid sees me and breaks away from mom. She is like " jimmy, get back here " The kid makes a bee-line for me passing other shoppers. He runs right up to me stops and barks like a dog three times. He then turns around and runs back to his mom. WTF? Funny as hell at the time.

I helped an old lady at the grocery store once. She had dropped a bunch of oranges. I picked them up and put them back on the display. The lady grabs my arm with about as much might as she had. She was a very old and frail lady. Didn't want me to get away I guess. she asks.." Are you Jewish? " I said " no, I don't think so." She pulled me real close and stared into my eyes... " You are Jewish. A nice boy like you. I can tell."

I saw this dad once in a store talking to a 6 year old girl..." are you gonna cry little princess? go ahead and cry like a baby. " He was taunting her. A real angry guy. And it was really disturbing to hear. The mother too scared to say anything. He was some gang looking dude with tats on his neck. I wanted to say something but.... in my mind I could fast forward myself to some scene in the parking lot with him wanting to kick my ass. He'd be all in my face... " who the fuck are you? Punk." But the absolute, absolute, absolute worst part would be when the mom would say something like " yeah mister, why don't you mind your own fucking business. Kick his ass Tony " So I said nothing. I need to buy a taser.

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