Wednesday, October 14, 2009


lets see, working our asses off to finish Mermaid by friday. We have a lot of effects processing to do. I'm going over these shots multiple times since I want everything to look just right. Since we got signed with WME if feel like we have to kick everything up a notch. It is looking good but take a hell of a long time to process. And ever since I updated my op sys my computer has been very cranky.

Went and jammed last night down at R H's. He has a sweet set up. His studio is down in a deserted industrial section south of downtown. By deserted I mean no foot traffic, hence no psycho bums hanging around. No smell of urine, etc.

He has a ton of guitars, basses and various instruments. And a drum set on a nice stand. Best part is that everything is running back into protools on separate tracks. So every session is recorded. A each instrument is on a clean track. So if I fuck up they can just pull my track out. lol. And...I love this part, we all jam wearing head phones so that the drums can be recorded clean with a mic. This means I can set my own headphone level and not blow my ears out. For a while we played with live amps and shit, my ears would be ringing the next day since the keyboard is right under the crash symbol. I'm keyboard man. My guitar skills are so basic and well, crappy that I usually don't get a turn on a guitar. These guys are all really good. Been playing since they were in high school. SO I feel lucky to be included. It's loads of fun. And nobody is directing anyone. Just add your stuff to the sound wall.

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