Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow all the way. So bright so Vivid. Oh My God! There actually is a second one it there but it was real faint. This rainbow was so interesting a couple of news helicopters hovered over my house taking shots of it. lol.

Ok, just cooling off. It has been all of a sudden super hot. 113 here on Monday. Trying to sleep at night reminds me of being in college back in Austin. No AC and just laying on top of your bed naked. Maybe with a wet cloth on your face. And it gets down to 85 at 4 am. It's been like that here for the past few days. We have a wall unit in the bedroom but in this heat it's like trying to put out a fire with a squirt gun.

Anyway, the heat wave is slowly going away. And we had a bit of rain today.

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