Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Vivian is gone. We got the call around 11 pm and drove for 2 hours . We walked into the ER and saw her. She was still breathing all hooked up to tubes and machines. But she was really already gone. A massive brain aneurism.

Somethings are like lightening strikes. A bolt out of the cold black night. They illuminate so much more than the trees. You see a quick flash of your own awe-struck eyes. Then all is dark again.

They took her, lovely sweet Vivian off the machines and put us in a private room with her. We stood the death vigil. Every breath you could hear and feel. After about 3 hours her breathing became shallow. And then it just stopped. It is a strange experience. One of those adult things. As much as I hated it, as much as I wanted to run away and hide, I would not have wanted to be anywhere else. A person deserves to have those who loved them be with them at the end. As much as it pains us to be there we own it to them.

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