Tuesday, March 30, 2010

back to school

a new quarter has begun. ( we at UCLA are on the 10 week quarter rather than the normal semester ) So I have a new cast of characters to engage with. All new faces. I try to pick out the one's who will be good and the one's who'll be slack. But it's far too tough on a first listen. Everyone tells me how much they want to be in the class and how hard they'll work. Time will tell as it always does.

But I love being on campus. When I stroll around I like to picture myself as a 22 year old in Austin, Texas. Wide-eyed and full of wonder. I see the faces of the young people and send myself back to that moment when I was them. For a brief moment I am fresh-faced and naive.

And I am truly lucky. I get to work here and teach young people and be a part of this great university.

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