Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I hate getting my haircut. For some reason I just can't stand to sit in that chair. I always want to get up about half way through and say " thanks, what do I owe you? " and leave.

Today I got my haircut. I always go to the local barber shop. Old school. I can't see myself spending 85 fifty for a cut and a shampoo. So I go to the old school barber. And well, its hit or miss. Usually miss. But it suits my nerdy professor look usually.And there are always hats.

Today was a real trip though. I got the really old guy barber by luck of the draw. Actaully there was like 2 guys in front of me but when the old guy was finished with his last victim, er, customer he called out "next?" Nobody moved. I looked at the other two guys. Every ones eyes darted back and fourth. Finally I said "oh, I guess that would be me then?"

I got in the chair and he started to go to work. I'm sitting there and he has the scissors in hand as he slowly brings them toward the side of my head. And holy shit...his hand shook like a leaf in a stiff breeze. He's bringing these pointy ass scissors closer and closer to my face and I'm wondering what I'll look like with an eye patch. Poor guy. He always managed to reel it in at the critical moment and snip what he wanted. Or at least I didn't lose an eye and small portion of ear.

And the haircut wasn't half bad. I tipped him and extra 10 bucks since it was christmas.

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