Monday, December 28, 2009


well, it is a few days after christmas. Had a quiet but nice one. Spent the eve at home with some friends. Made some eggnog and various appetizers. The horse stepped on Mel's foot so she was on the ice pack and advil tone. Quite swollen but seems to be mending ok now. So not broken as feared it seems.

Drove down to Fallbrook on xmas morn to see the old folks. Did some cooking down there for dinner. All was well. Hit the hay at 9 pm christmas day. Slept for 11 hours. I guess we needed it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I hate getting my haircut. For some reason I just can't stand to sit in that chair. I always want to get up about half way through and say " thanks, what do I owe you? " and leave.

Today I got my haircut. I always go to the local barber shop. Old school. I can't see myself spending 85 fifty for a cut and a shampoo. So I go to the old school barber. And well, its hit or miss. Usually miss. But it suits my nerdy professor look usually.And there are always hats.

Today was a real trip though. I got the really old guy barber by luck of the draw. Actaully there was like 2 guys in front of me but when the old guy was finished with his last victim, er, customer he called out "next?" Nobody moved. I looked at the other two guys. Every ones eyes darted back and fourth. Finally I said "oh, I guess that would be me then?"

I got in the chair and he started to go to work. I'm sitting there and he has the scissors in hand as he slowly brings them toward the side of my head. And holy shit...his hand shook like a leaf in a stiff breeze. He's bringing these pointy ass scissors closer and closer to my face and I'm wondering what I'll look like with an eye patch. Poor guy. He always managed to reel it in at the critical moment and snip what he wanted. Or at least I didn't lose an eye and small portion of ear.

And the haircut wasn't half bad. I tipped him and extra 10 bucks since it was christmas.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

a tree in the house

well...just put the tree in the house. Usually we have our 60's vintage aluminum tree. But this year we decided for an old fashioned. And well, it's a beauty. Our new cat has made it all the way to the top already. She seems to LOVE it.

Just finishing up Lucky. Loads of work. A bit of a strain. But the shit looks good. It's in Sundance this year. So that's cool.

Otherwise, on track for a good year next. Fingers crossed. We have a script in development and several projects that have promise. Really want to focus on new work, story and animation that breaks new ground

Monday, December 7, 2009

pearl harbor day

Well, today I salute my Uncle Willie. He was at Pearl Harbor 68...can't believe it was 68 years ago. Well, here is to you all my old friends. I'd buy you a drink if I could. Or a pot of tea as in my grand-pa Joe's case.

Today: Rain. And we need it. Lots more please. And forgive us in SoCal. If the temp goes below 58 ---- it's winter!. I put on my scarf and winter coat. We'll pretend it is freezing. And what the hell, I can actually see snow from my front window. And it's not too far away. Maybe 10-12 miles as the crow flies. And 5 thousand feet higher. But it is an amazing sight. Snow capped mountains so close to home.

well, still bummed about not getting into Sundance this year. Got a note from one of the programmers, we had a good entry. They get over 9000 short films and ours was in the top 200. But from there they cut it down to 90. So we didn't make the cut. Next year we'll do some killer thing with a 'social" message.

Coming up on Holidays. went to the annual Krampus party. Dec 5th. I have to give andrea and hank big kudos for pulling it off every year. They do such a good job. What a great party. I look forward to it each year. And next week is the Cohen's annual party. And they too do an excellent job. Such good friends to one and all.

Might have my surgery over the holidays. So not looking forward to that. Can I put it off ? I guess I can..but I know that I'll feel so much better if I just do it. What? You don't know what surgery I need to have?

This a cliff hanger isn't it.

Friday, December 4, 2009

well...long last few weeks. Been so busy with projects. Working on animation sequences for a documentary that is going to Sundance this year. So making it look sweet. Sadly our own project didn't make it this year. Was looking forward for an excuse to go skiing. Oh well.

Did a pitch this week for a big studio. Went well. We worked hard to get the thing straight. Was a bit stressful but...that's what keeps the knives sharp.

My sister was out for a week. She is getting divorced after 33 years. Really hard for her. She seems over the worst of it and is looking to the next chapter of her life to get underway. I love her so much and regret that I haven't been as close over the years.

Well, just wrote a new song. I am slowly getting from bad to not so bad.