Sunday, January 24, 2010


My stitches are mending up. Had me a rough couple of days. More from being sick from the pain killers and a nasty stomach flu. I'd recommend that if you have surgery to skip the throwing up and the stomach flu. It doesn't seem to appreciably enhance the experience. Got myself back to work by Thursday.

Being cut open and the aftermath of being so feeble as you recover of course makes one realize how tenuous one's existence is. It is all really part of the aging process. You fall apart. Adjustments in one's thinking is required. For me it is part of a struggle to maintain that sense of invincibility. It is part of the mythology. I am the golden child, yet I may need a cane. I am the golden middle aged man, the golden wheezing octogenarian. So it is.

All along one can shake his/her fist as you really start to understand the quote, " youth is wasted on the young." My mind is sharp and full of so many more well shaped ideas than in my younger days, yet I have less energy to act upon them.

Progress is measured in years and months, not days and hours. My schedule is so busy now I have to parcel out my attention to projects in slow but steady steps rather than headlong leaps.

I'm not complaining though. I lead a good life.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


me and oxycodone don't mix. Spent half the day yesterday throwing up. No fun when you have a belly full of stitches. Plus that stuff makes you constipated.

I'm sure, in a few months I'll look back and laugh. Oh that oxycodone with the vomiting. What a character!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gumby Death

Sunday jam session was called "gumby death" in honor of Art.

Good session too. We have so much stuff getting into the mix. I have sometimes 5 key boards hooked up, all running through fuzz boxes and effects. And also throwing in audio shit from the internet, loops and sound effects. Randall has set up another station very similar but has guitar input too. Then there is the fun room. Full of all kinds of funky instruments. Throw in the drummer, bass and another guitar player we have a huge sonic wall happening. Hit and miss since it is all improve. Very jazz like in it's approach.

Randall has everything rigged into his protools set up so every session is recorded and it is super clean and everything is on it's own track for mixing. We are slowly coming up with more interesting sounds and songs.

loads of fun.

Gonna get surgery friday. Not looking forward to that but will be glad to get it over with. I hope it doesn't keep me off my feet for too long.

Finished Lucky. It's off to Sundance in a week. Damn, I wish I was going up there this year. Had loads of fun last year. Next year we'll be back in I'm sure. Maybe with a feature even.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

new years

well...this year it Mel and me. We stayed home on New Years Eve. I took some amazing pictures of the moon rise above Pasadena and the mountains with me new camera. Pretty awesome looking wide open on the f-stop. Getting a Canon D7 that shoots HD video in a few weeks. I think the camcorder is dead. These new SLR's can do it all and you can use any lens you want.

Anyway, we made fondue and rum drinks. Built a fire and listened to music while we watched the city lights and the xmas tree. Went to bed at 10 o'clock. LOL. I set my alarm for 11:45 but my mom called first and woke me up. She was in Taos with brother Bob and sister Mary and all that bunch. They sang for us over the phone. Then it was time to rattle some pans as we watched the whole valley come to life with fireworks and noise. So many fireworks!

Friday was blackeyed peas and fried chicken day. Corn bread and greens too. Had some friends stop by and all was very relaxed. Watched the parade and the bowl game. week all the Longhorns will be in town for the bcs championship game. I can practically see the Rose Bowl from house, well the lights and the fireworks for sure. Maybe I'll try and get a scalped ticket.

Saturday was 2010 rock festival down at Randalls. We had an all day jam session. I was hooking up all kinds of shit to the sound board. In search of new soundz, new stuff. I have been playing a keyboard off my iTouch. lol. It has some great sounds. Everyone thought I was texting at first. Been pulling audio from Youtube and all over the net and mixing it live. We are getting some crazy sonic shit going on.

Today I was on the hunt for some oil based clay. Gotta do the bronze piece I was supposed to do last fall. Found the place to get it but it was closed. Tomorrow. I want this bronze done by the end of the month.

School starts this week. Should be fun. UCLA here I come again.