Wednesday, December 22, 2010

double rainbow

Double rainbow...yeah yeah. But this one was and the central rainbow was the most vivid I have ever seen. And I have seen a few good ones. This was concentric and focused. Look at the difference in color from the inside to the outside of the rainbow. Blue on the out side and light on the in side.

Friday, December 10, 2010

the acting

I can yawn. And I can pretend to be cold. Now is a the challenge. Can I yawn and act cold at the same time?

I'm sticking my neck out and going to act. I know for sure I could never have done this at 22. I had no self -confidence then. Or little that is. But today, I have confidence combined with a bit of "who gives a shit". Take a chance.

So I'm ready to step off the cliff. And at this point in my life it's not a huge cliff. If I can't fly then I drop 12 feet. Might hurt a bit, but it's not like a so serious. I think worse case I find out I'm a good character actor but not a lead.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Ok, another year has almost slipped by. The tree is up. The lights are on. (sigh) What have you done in all that time? Did you do most of, or some of what you wanted? Some.

I saw a girl today in a Beatles concert video from 1964. She reminded me of someone I used to know. Someone I was in love with a long time ago. I see people in old movies. They look like people I know. Sometime like two people I know combined.

When I watch old movies my favorite thing to do is watch the extras not the main characters. I always want to know their story. I imagine being there. On the exact day. They show up to be extras on a movie. Real people usually. And they stand around in the background. Then someone yells "cut" and they walk off back into the real world. Back into their real lives. WHo are they? What happened to them? I pick a person out and wish I could find them today and just hear their life story.

Anyway, I saw this girl in a Beatles concert film from 1964. She looked amazing and reminded me of someone I used to know. She was really happy and just loving the moment. And there in this old film are thousands of lives captured . And how cool would it be to have a time machine and go back and just sit next to them for a moment. To clap with them. To lightly touch them. That's what I'd do with a time machine.

Obviously watching the Beatles since this is the 30 year. Since JL was murdered. What a rip-off that was. I wish I could go on iTunes and thumb through all the other albums he would have made.