Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mojowski hosts "American Music Scene" while deeply drugged out by the Hoffman gang. WTF is an electric box?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

water in the face

shot a scene last night. I'm tied to a chair. Asleep. Big Matt comes in and wakes me up by throwing a glass of water in my face. And you want to know something? A regular glass off water just looks whimpy. So we used a whole pitcher full water.

So I sit there with my eyes closed. "Action" and I just wait. Then blam! Face full of water. The first take was bad. The bulk of the water sailed over my head. Take two was a keeper. Took all the water in the face. lol. I'm glad I didn't forget my lines.

For the rest of the night I had to keep spritzing my face and head so I looked like I just got dowsed.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dog days. Really?

Can't believe it's August already. So busy these days. We are making directors books for feature films. Fingers crossed. We are shooting Mojowski stuff. Getting past experiments and going into shoot stuff we will actually use. And making animation for the Ed Oven show. it's all good

Good? It's effing awesome. Doing some real cool stuff. Hopefully we can make some bucks too. But worst case we are having fun. So I can't complain.

Can't wait till September. Mel and I will take a week off and go to King's Canyon. It is a hidden treasure in CA. Basically it is a smaller version on Yosemite. Same geologic process. Same cake cut granite walls. Not 3 thousand feet tall but 2 instead. Looks just as impressive. And 90% less people. We will go up and camp for a week. Hike and fish and maybe we'll take bikes this time.